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Treatment Approach

Our treatment approach is strength-based, looking at ways to capitalize on the strengths of each client all while helping them learn the essential coping skills required to live a successful life free from addictive behaviors. We help each client identify core issues, accept personal responsibility, and appropriately resolve issues allowing the individual to be free from addiction and co-occurring disorders.

We run an adult program, and all clients will be treated with the respect and dignity that all adults deserve. Our clients are given the opportunity to address issues in a supportive environment where they will be temporarily sheltered from stressful life obligations.

Using this approach in the detoxification phase, we believe that clients will be empowered to make healthy decisions from day one, increasing responsibility as it becomes clinically appropriate, therefore developing real-life coping skills to reduce the risk of relapse throughout the course of and after leaving treatment.

We implement a person-centered approach, creating an individualized treatment experience for each client.

Based on the fundamental concept – to inspire a better life – our program provides the opportunities for our clients to build the foundation needed for a solid road in recovery.

In our vision of the individual’s successful future, we believe with the proper structure, encouragement, and ample support, our clients will have the ability to succeed, living an inspired, sober life-style – and find great success in their life’s pursuits!

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We are located at 9656 Talbert Avenue in Beautiful Fountain Valley California.

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    About The Road To Recover

    At R&R Recovery, clients receive individualized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs, emphasizing strengths and providing intensive outpatient programs to build essential skills and resources for a life free from addictive behaviors.

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    Licensed by the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). R&R Recovery – License # 300379AP, Exp. 02/28/2025 | The Road – License # 30063AP, Exp. 08/31/2024

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